Has life sent you an earthquake?
—An unforeseen challenge has cracked open the ground under your feet, and suddenly you are in over your head, anxious and overwhelmed….or
—You’re realizing you’ve always lived in an emotional earthquake zone. The rumblings under the surface are getting harder to ignore, and you feel an urgent need to rebuild your life on solid ground…or
—A positive change has unexpectedly shaken you up: you’ve fallen in love, or committed to a new creative project, or started a higher-paying, more demanding job, or become a parent, and you are caught off guard to find your anxiety level spiking out of control

When the ground moves under your feet, you get anxious
Your mind takes you for a ride
- You feel drained, anxious, and low, like you aren’t firing on all cylinders
- You feel awkward and vulnerable around other people
- Your creativity goes into hiding, so work becomes a struggle
- You agonize over significant decisions, but the more logical you try to be, the more overwhelmed you get
- You feel discouraged, watching yourself fall into old painful patterns but not knowing how to prevent it

…and you end up in survival mode
- You put your head down and try to get through, even when you are exhausted or your brain feels like exploding
- You worry about letting others down— while also judging yourself for falling short of your own high expectations
- You wonder how other people seem to manage life, work, and relationships more easily than you do
- You try—unsuccessfully—to talk yourself out of being anxious, only to end up feeling ashamed, weak, or incurably flawed
How does this happen?

The anxiety spiral gets started early
When you grow up sensitive without adequate support to securely process your intense reactions to life, a painful cycle gets established:
1—Challenging situations or emotions stimulate fear in you, and anxious, critical inner parts spring up in an attempt to cope
2—All this inner noise drowns out your spiritual intuition—that quiet voice of your inner knowing
3—Life seems even more overwhelming when you are cut off from your spiritual intuition, and the anxiety spiral deepens
But even in the midst of anxiety, you know there is another way of being—

You at your best: present, open, energized
Trusting your sense of the possible
There’s a reason you are reading this: despite the challenges of anxiety and overwhelm you’ve struggled with, you sense there is another way you could live. You know what it feels like when you are in the energy I call “YES!” energy. I’ve never yet met a sensitive person who hasn’t felt this energy, and who wouldn’t move mountains to feel it again.
Living from your “YES!” energy
In the “YES!” state, you feel calm, yet energized within yourself, and compassionate and curious towards others. You can stand in your own truth and find your way forward— even when others disagree with you. And you feel confident and creative, knowing you can handle the ongoing challenges of life—whether internal or external— without getting knocked off your feet.
Guided by your spiritual intuition
For a sensitive person, spiritual intuition is the ground of health and happiness. Your best energy, your highest creativity, and your capacity for empathy—the essential element of the deep relationships you long for—all come from this inner knowing. And you can access it at any time, if you know how to get quiet and listen for it.

HI, I’m Emily Agnew.
I struggled with anxiety and overwhelm for many years. I was highly self-critical and painfully vulnerable: I craved approval from others and felt devastated when I didn’t get it. I had moments of profound peace but could not find a way to make them last.
Only when I learned how to relate to my intense inner world and to my sensitive body with radical acceptance did my life began to change. Paradoxically accepting my anxiety calmed it. Then I could hear the quiet voice of my spiritual intuition….and the more I acted on that intuition, the better I felt.
Mastering this process took me years of trial and error. But with the Inner Listening Intensive, it needn’t take so long for you. I’ve designed the program to offer you the sustained support and key information you need to reverse the anxiety spiral and build a joyful, sustainable sensitive life.

The Inner Listening Intensive—a unique program
Sustained personal support
The Inner Listening Intensive provides a synergistic combination of close holding and spaciousness to help you make deep changes. You receive skilled, close support so you feel safe being with even your most intense emotions. And with six months of weekly sessions, you know you don’t have to “push the river”. You can relax and trust the process to unfold.
New skills and information
To create lasting change, you need to nurture a new inner relationship, re-connect to your spiritual intuition, and establish new life-serving habits. The Inner Listening Intensive is designed to give you specific, practical skills and information to accomplish these tasks and build a sustainable sensitive life—internally and externally.
Layers of safety
The Inner Listening Intensive offers a unique, multi-layered container of safety, supporting deep change by providing you with multiple opportunities for connection and feedback each week. Through your sessions, writing, and reading, you’ll reinforce your learning and strengthen your ability to access your best “YES!” energy.
As a 66-year-old psychiatric RN and a lifelong spiritual seeker I easily recognized Emily as someone that I was attracted to as a mentor. Specifically, she helped me identify my need for self-care whereby I am now more versed in my ability to drop down into my inner Self (divinity) and call out to my Higher Power who meets me in mysterious and fulfilling ways. Emily is a stellar individual and a remarkably reliable comrade… I have great admiration and confidence in her humility and willingness to grow herself while she steadfastly held me and my needs as our primary focus.
– KC, Vashon, Washington
And your new learning inevitably fades, because you have no way to reinforce your conceptual understanding of the process you’ve been through, and no ongoing support to apply your experience to the messy complexity of everyday life.
In the Inner Listening Intensive, you will experience the kind of deep change that happens in intensive retreats. But you do it over a period of six to seven months. This way you can get the personalized weekly support you need to integrate your insights and apply them to your daily life and work.
I was suffering from anxiety and depression about my work, my relationship, my parenting. It was affecting everything in my life. I felt completely adrift. This program taught me a whole new way of looking at myself and my feelings. It was more than just a paradigm shift or a new perspective. It changed my outlook on life. I live in the present instead of always worrying about the past and the future. I’ve learned to trust myself again.
– ∼JD, Silver Spring, Maryland
In coaching, pain, shame, and “resistance” are perceived as obstacles to push through. In addition, many coaches are uncomfortable or inexperienced working with the intense emotions sensitive people experience. With the best of intentions, coaches may pressure you to “push past your resistance” or “let go of your false beliefs” in order to take action. But if you try to steamroll your anxious inner parts in this way, they will feel even less safe. You end up feeling ashamed and alone, telling yourself you must not be “doing it right.”
In the Inner Listening Intensive, we welcome anxiety, shame, and “resistance” as sources of transformation. Being heard with radical acceptance helps you learn to listen to yourself and to access the deep wisdom your body holds. When you know that nothing you bring to sessions will be judged as irrelevant, shameful, embarrassing, or “too intense”, your sense of safety expands. Then an amazing thing happens: life-changing insights and life-forward energy arise from the very places you had feared the most.
Emily’s listening was noticeably different from the usual: not a trace of judgment, just pure unconditional acceptance and trust, and respect for my knowing. She invites exploration without imposing ideas of her own. This loving attention is truly a gift.
– RO, Rochester, New York
“DIY” programs are understandably popular because they are inexpensive. However, you likely wouldn’t be reading this is you hadn’t discovered the truth: receiving information is relatively easy, but applying the concepts to yourself without help is much harder. When it comes to deep work, the old saying is accurate: you get what you pay for. This is why even highly experienced practitioners seek highly skilled support when their toughest issues get triggered.
The Inner Listening Intensive offers you a level of customized support you’ve likely never experienced before, including multiple opportunities each week for us to connect. I make sure you really “get” what we’re doing so you can apply your new learning immediately in your life. And when you get stuck or confused, I’m available with prompt, personal answers to your questions. Knowing I have your back in this way helps you go deeper.
This program gave me a process and steps to use to continue this work after my sessions are done. Emily gave me the support and confidence to do this work on my own. That is something I haven’t gotten from only reading a book, or listening to an audio program.
– JS, Business Analyst, Bedford, New Hampshire
Results you can expect
More peace and joy
- Experience the powerful groundedness, peace, and “YES!” energy that arise when you connect to your spiritual intuition
- Enjoy more lightness and freedom as you let go of old, limiting beliefs.
- Feel more comfortable in your own skin, alone and with others
More self-empowerment
- Master specific skills to discern the “right next step” in any situation
- Know how to recognize and navigate tricky moments where you used to get stuck
- Be able to handle conflict with the respectful strength that comes from knowing and accepting exactly where you stand

Over the last six months I have become so much more confident in who I am and the life I have chosen for myself. I am no longer weighed down by guilt that I am doing something wrong, or disappointing “God” or my Mormon family. This alone has allowed me to feel so much more love for myself, and others. I have felt more moments of “YES!” than ever before.
– JCT, Copywriter, Salt Lake City, Utah

This program could be an ideal fit for you if—
- You are functioning adequately in your life and work, but anxiety and stress are taking an increasing toll on you
- You sense you need something different from the therapy, coaching, or workshops you’ve tried in the past
- You are open to exploring your spiritual connection—or deepening that which you already have
- You are willing to feel a range of emotions, from old pain to a good laugh—knowing you will be closely supported
- You will work to grasp new concepts and practice new skills so you can have more peace, confidence, and joy in your life
- You have the time, the money, and the willingness to commit to the program, including weekly sessions, reading, and writing
The program is probably NOT a good fit for you if—
- You are looking for a quick fix
- You have so many commitments or distractions that it’s a struggle to find time for weekly sessions, reading, and writing
- You feel you should change, but aren’t yet able to take the actions change would require you to take
- You have a hard time setting aside time for yourself (including turning your cell phone off during sessions)
- Buying even a package of sessions sounds out of reach: the Intensive includes much more than just sessions, and is priced accordingly. If you resonate intensely with this work, but simply can’t afford the Intensive, contact me and we can discuss other options that could be both powerful and affordable for you.
What you will receive in the program

Support holding your vision
We begin the program by clarifying your current challenges and your vision. This vision becomes a container for the entire program, serving as the context for our weekly written exchanges. With the help of a series of prompts, you’ll reflect in writing each week on significant events and insights, and I’ll respond in writing. In addition, I’m available to touch base by email between sessions. These frequent contacts reinforce your learning, create another layer of safety, and help you see the bigger arc of change even when you are “deep in the weeds”.

24 individual sessions
The heart of the Inner Listening Intensive is 24 one-to-one sessions, once a week over a period of six to seven months. In each session I guide you towards the experience of connection your best “YES!” energy. I also give you a conceptual framework, teach you skills you can put into practice immediately, and provide information about sensitivity. We can meet in person, or by phone, Zoom videoconference, or Skype. Sessions can be recorded if you learn more by listening again later.

Powerful supporting materials
Having a conceptual structure helps your deep-thinking mind integrate the experiential learning of our sessions. Each week you’ll receive a Key Learning, written especially for the program, along with reading and materials to reinforce the basics of Inner Bonding and Focusing. You’ll also gradually learn more about the trait of sensitivity and how it may be affecting your life.
You have a great ability to write about common experiences in a way that makes it easily accessible. The conversations in your weekly articles always make the subject so easy to relate to. I’m always wondering how you are able to know what I’m thinking!
– JS, Business Analyst, Bedford, New Hampshire
Ready to take the next step?
Contact me to schedule a 20-minute exploratory call
In this complimentary 20-minute call we’ll explore your interest in the Inner Listening Intensive, then decide whether to take the next step of scheduling a 60-minute Vision Session.
In the Vision Session, we’ll explore in depth your vision and your challenges, and how the Inner Listening Intensive might support you. I’ll also explain how the program structure and fees work. The $200 Vision Session fee includes a full written summary of your vision and challenges.

Emily opened my eyes to an entirely new and beautiful way of “treating” my anxiety. I learned that until I was willing to take responsibility for my feelings, all of my feelings, good or bad, I would continue to suffer….I learned how to gently love every bit of me, even the darkest parts.
What was going on in your life that led you to seek support? I had anxiety and I didn’t know what to do about it. I didn’t even realize until later how much it as affecting every facet of my life. I got more and more fragile I began to push people and opportunities away from me because I thought they were causing my anxiety. I’d tell myself, “If I got away from this boyfriend, surely my anxiety would stop… If I quit that job, my anxiety would stop…. If I moved to a new state, my anxiety would stop.” I was running from my own life. I felt this emptiness growing in me. I don’t think I knew what happiness felt like.
Had you tried other ways of getting relief before you found Emily? Yes. I found myself in a relationship that I wasn’t willing to let anxiety take from me. I made the choice to stay and stare fear in the face. This brought on months of the worst anxiety I have ever experienced. I was scared of being alone, of being rejected, of failing—scared something was wrong with me. It was debilitating.
I realized I was reaching a breaking point. So I began searching for answers. I worked with a traditional therapist but found it heightened my anxiety. I tried medications, but they made me numb. I tried a lot of scam “fix it now” material. I saw myself almost getting worse. I was getting frantic and desperate for something real. I finally found myself on Emily’s website and made the choice to begin sessions with her.
What was it like working with her? Emily opened my eyes to an entirely new and beautiful way of “treating” my anxiety. I learned that until I was willing to take responsibility for my feelings, all of my feelings, good or bad, I would continue to suffer. I learned how to heal all of the false beliefs I had that were the source of my anxiety and pain. I learned how to gently love every bit of me, even the darkest parts.
I really appreciated the way Emily trusted in me. She consistently regarded me as capable and whole. She’d approach every session with pure curiosity, leaving ALL judgment behind. She was incredibly present with me, not only in our sessions together but throughout the week as well. She was always accessible to me if/when something came up. She put a lot of time into ensuring I had all of the support, information, and learning experience I needed to continue this work on my own. The guidance and wisdom Emily offered me has allowed me to breathe into love and light for the first time in my adult life.
How have these inner changes affected your life? After spending six months working with Emily, I have become so much more confident in who I am and the life I have chosen for myself. I am no longer weighed down by guilt that I am doing something wrong, or disappointing “God” or my Mormon family. This alone has allowed me to feel so much more love for myself, and others.
My relationships have improved. My overall confidence has improved. My creativity has had moments of blossoming. Now I know how to connect to my Inner Source and actually experience creativity, love and happiness. I have experienced moments of love just bubbling over and spilling out!
Is there anything else you’d want to say to someone who’s considering working with Emily? When I began working with Emily, I had very specific things I wanted to work on. I would have been happy if just those things improved. But it was quite interesting: when I committed to this work, everything began to improve. I experienced shifts in all areas of my life. It’s a lot like wanting a six pack! To tone your abs, you must eat correctly and work more than just your abs. And then what happens? Not only do you see more definition in your stomach, but your whole body tightens and tones as well. Everything is connected!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. You are welcome! I am so incredibly grateful for the time and effort Emily put into helping me. It has truly changed my life. I cannot imagine where I would be if I hadn’t come across her website and made the decision to work with her. She has inspired me to love myself in a way I did not know how to before. I feel I am moving in a direction that just feels good.
—JCT, Salt Lake City, Utah
Now, I live in the present instead of worrying about the past and the future. Even though my job is largely about planning the future, I’m able to function where I am right now. I have clarity what I can control, and what I can’t…
What was going in your life that caused you to seek Emily’s support? I was suffering from anxiety and depression about my work, my relationship, my parenting. It was affecting everything in my life. I felt completely adrift. I lost trust in myself for a long time. I didn’t know what I wanted out of life, and even if I did, I didn’t know how to go about getting it. The Inner listening Intensive program taught me a whole new way of looking at myself and my feelings. It was more than just a paradigm shift or a new perspective. It changed my outlook on life.
Can you describe how this change of outlook affected you? Yes. At work, for example, I was terrified of failure. Let’s say I’d get assigned a new project. Even though I had never screwed up and the project was actually looking like it was going to go well, I’d start freaking out about everything that could go wrong. At best I’d procrastinate doing the very things that would prevent anything from going wrong. At worst I’d be almost paralyzed with anxiety.
And how is it now at work? Now, I live in the present instead of worrying about the past and the future. Even though my job is largely about planning the future, I’m able to function where I am right now. I have clarity what I can control, and what I can’t. I’ve learned to trust myself again.
Also, I’m usually able to focus on a task and get done what I need to get done. It’s part of my job to think about things that could go wrong and plan for them. It’s a relief to be able to think about that as needed, without getting on the hamster wheel of obsessive worrying. I used to get on that wheel every day. Now, I can’t remember the last time it happened.
That’s a big change…is that true in other areas of your life? Yes. For example, the fact that I no longer feel overwhelmed about planning meals for my family came from this program: I now have the wherewithal to plan and shop for good meals. My son has commented on that. He also commented that I’ve been a lot less cranky since I started doing this work! I wasn’t a bad parent before, but the way I was modeling living life was not how I wanted him to live his life. I’d been worried because I didn’t know how to set an example of someone who knew how to have a healthy relationship, how to go through life without living in fear.
How would you say you’ve changed as a parent, besides being less cranky? Now I’m more empathetic. I listen better without telling him how to fix it. And just as I was holding myself to unrealistically high standards and not recognizing my achievements, I was doing the same to him. I was pretty hard on him, though I didn’t realize it at the time. I wasn’t yelling when he did things wrong, because he’s a good kid and doesn’t do much wrong, but I wasn’t celebrating when he did things right either.
Have other relationships in your life been affected? Yes. A big reason I started working with Emily was to get clarity about my relationship. I was about six months into a relationship with this amazing woman, but I kept questioning it because I mistrusted my feelings after staying in a failed marriage for years. If any small degree of uncertainty came up, I’d start thinking, “What if that gets bigger and blows the whole thing up?!” I’d get scared and push her away. Then the distance between us would send me into even more panic. I was basically completely incapable of handling uncertainty.
How are things now with your partner now? Now, I just enjoy being in love with her and being with her. I can’t wait to see her! I’ve broken the cycle of panicking whenever some possible future problem came up., so now we talk about the future freely, and its OK knowing it won’t all necessarily turn out according to the plan, because we are confident that however it goes, we’ll work through it together. The three of us feel like a family. It feels really good.
Can you describe how Emily helped you make this change? I was so afraid to repeat the mistakes I made in my first marriage, where there were problems early on but I didn’t see them or ignored them. I learned very thoroughly how to ignore my inner voice and how to set my happiness aside for someone else. I promised myself I’d never do that again, but I didn’t trust myself to know how.
A major problem was that we had no effective way to talk about our problems. Because of that, all our issues were insurmountable. That was my only experience of long-term intimate relationship. Emily helped me learn how to talk my way through problems in this new relationship, without freaking out. I learned how to stay in the present instead of letting my fears run into the future, and how to express myself to my partner, and have her hear me.
The more I learned to trust myself, the easier it was to trust my partner and to trust we could work things out. Before, I was either “all in,” or nothing, because I didn’t know how to deal with the uncertainty of being in a relationship with another person. Emily also helped me be with the fear of trusting that came up for me so I could stay “all in” while building the trust.
So do you no longer have any fears about the future? No, some part of me still says, “Oh, but what if it DOESN’T work out?” The difference is that I’m not afraid of those thoughts any more. I don’t try to squelch them rid of them anymore. And I don’t fight the feelings they kick up in me. As a result, the feelings no longer overwhelm me.
It’s like I’m the dad, and my feelings are the kids…they can do things I don’t like sometimes, but I’m not going to kick them out of the family! I have more of an unconditional acceptance for myself. I understand now that all of my feelings, even the ones I don’t enjoy so much, are real and a part of me, and that I can experience them without them running my life.
How would you describe the experience of working with Emily? Emily is very insightful, funny, warm, and friendly. At first I was afraid to trust her. I would have been afraid to trust anyone. I felt like I was jumping off a cliff! But over time, the process itself showed results and I began to trust it.
When Emily was explaining something to me, she’d find the wording that would make it clear to me. She’d make sure I got things. To me, that’s the core of a good teacher or guide: they won’t give up until you get it. At the same time, she never tried to force information down my throat. I’ve worked with therapists who did more talking than I did in sessions or who had an agenda, with diagrams, and plans, and goals. It felt like the therapist had a structure for the way the therapy was going to go before even talking to me. With Emily’s program, it felt like, “Let’s open up the can and see what is in there.”
It’s interesting because Emily’s program does have a structure, with reading and writing…but to me, it didn’t feel like a structure. It was more about was learning how to create a space for my feelings, how to acknowledge them being there, and how to figure out what they needed. A lot of her guidance had to do with her knowing which nudge I needed. That’s how I’d describe the program: it’s like a fluid structure, guided by her intuitive relationship with the client.
So it felt very personalized. Yes. And the Key Learning articles she sent me each week dovetailed with our sessions in a way that felt helpful and natural to me. She’d guide me in a session, then I’d read the Key Learning, and I’d say, “Oh! That’s what we were doing!”
It sounds like there was a learning synergy between the sessions and the Key Learning materials. Yes, that’s very true. The sessions deepened my relationship with myself, and the Key Learnings clarified what was happening in the sessions. They progressed in tandem. They really enhanced my ability to take in what happened in the sessions, and my understanding of the whole process.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience in the Inner Relationship Intensive program? If someone had doubts and wanted to talk to me, I’d be glad to talk to them.
That’s great. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience. You are welcome!
— JD, Silver Spring, MD
I’d say the biggest benefit is a newfound ability to discern if something is really right for me, which leads me to confident action. I can use the skills I’ve learned to sense what feels right in every area of my life. Once I feel what is right inside, I can act upon that with confidence.
What led you to seek support? I felt I was ready to deal with some things that I’d avoided working on for a long time. I was always looking outside myself for validation so I could feel good about myself. I’d wake up in the morning thinking anxious thoughts over and over.
So how are things different for you now than before you did this program? Are there things that feel possible to you now that might not have felt possible before? There are number of ways things are different, but the main one is that I know I am responsible for how I feel, and I can use what I’ve learned through this work to improve myself through my actions.
When I started the program, I was used to my pattern of negative thinking and getting there was easy. A negative thought at the beginning of the day (usually, when I’d wake up) would put me in a familiar negative thought pattern that I could fuel with more negative thoughts for the rest of the day. I didn’t have the awareness I do now of how to work with those parts of me.
Now, I am able to recognize what is happening much sooner and use what I have learned in the program to work with the negative thoughts. I feel like everything is possible now that I have a process in place to deal with whatever comes up for me. I am comfortable knowing that I can take care of myself and don’t need to rely on others to meet my needs. This is really important to me because as I said before, I was always looking outside myself for validation.
But I’d say the biggest benefit is a newfound ability to discern if something is really right for me, which leads me to confident action. I can use the skills I’ve learned to sense what feels right in every area of my life. Once I feel what is right inside, I can act upon that with confidence. It has been amazing to discover everything that was there inside me—lots that I didn’t know was there, before I started the program.
It sounds like the program helped you develop skills you can really use on your own. Yes. One of the important, and unique, aspects of the program is that it does not create dependence. You learn to continue and deepen that process on your own. You practice the process during the sessions and are encouraged to continue the work on your own between sessions.
This helped me build confidence that I was able to use the process on my own. It really created an awareness in me, so that I was using the process whenever and wherever I felt I needed to.
How was it working with Emily? It was great! I felt like we had a great connection from the start. She spoke with me a few times to answer all my questions before our sessions even started. That made me feel comfortable with her. I had reservations initially about working on personal issues with someone I’d never met in person, but I don’t think I could have chosen anyone better for me.
Emily has a way of writing that simplified everything for me and helped me understand things on a deeper level. In addition to the book assignments, she provides Key Learnings she has written, which really help emphasize the main points of the reading.
These writings also helped me to realize that she is really passionate about what she is doing, and she really is invested in helping me. She goes beyond the weekly session. She also applies everything she teaches in her own life, which put me at ease and helped me connect with her and the material more strongly.
So the interaction you had was a key element of the learning process for you. Yes. This reminds me of a conversation I had with my first yoga instructor. When I signed up for the class she asked if I had ever done yoga. I said I had bought a DVD and used it a couple of times. She responded that a DVD is ok, but it helps to have a teacher to make sure your form is correct since you can’t watch yourself and practice at the same time!
That applies to this work. It gave me a process and steps to use to continue this work after my sessions are done. Emily gave me the support and confidence to do this work on my own. And there is regular communication outside the weekly sessions. That is something I haven’t gotten from only reading a book, or listening to an audio program.
What might you say to someone who is wondering about investing the time and money for this program? The way I saw it, I invested that money in myself to make changes. And because I was seeing progress and being held accountable to work on myself, I found I looked forward to my sessions.
And I’d tell the person that the whole experience was so much more than I expected. Doing the assigned reading, I always felt I was reading about myself. Everything seemed to hit home. The program allows you to work on specific areas of yourself that are keeping you from being you. It doesn’t generalize, or try to force you to be a certain way. You work towards being your authentic self with Emily’s help.
Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts with me. You are welcome!
—JS, Bedford, New Hampshire
What Emily has helped me with is the growing capacity to deepen my relationship with my higher power and another human being as friends and allies. In my morning meditation and throughout my day I am happy to say that I can key back into this readily available resource and Source.
I ‘found’ Emily through a Focusing network and began my intro to her and her work by watching her videos. Intuitively, I saw and felt (in her writings and videos) her authenticity and her ability to communicate in a clear and precise manner.
As a 66-year-old psychiatric RN and a lifelong spiritual seeker I easily recognized Emily as someone that I was attracted to as a mentor. I saw she had some qualities and traits that I wanted to strengthen in myself. Specifically, she helped me identify my need for self-care whereby I am now more versed in my ability to drop down into my inner Self (divinity) and call out to my Higher Power who meets me in mysterious and fulfilling ways. The term “non-dual consciousness” is apropos to what I am trying to convey of our ever-deepening relationship.
We have spent the past six months of the Inner Listening Intensive program in this growing capacity to hold the difficult, aggressive, tender and loving parts within ourselves. Oddly, I believe Emily grew as she entered into a committed relationship with me. It was a two-way street. I had a good handle on “being with” whatever shows up through my Focusing practice. The crux of my learning and initiation with Emily as my guide is the fact that she helped me go the next step. I learned the ropes incorporating Inner Bonding as a practice and a skill.
What Emily has helped me with is the growing capacity to deepen my relationship with my higher power and another human being as friends and allies. In my morning meditation and throughout my day I am happy to say that I can key back into this readily available resource and Source. (Of course, I don’t always do this. I do have many temptations to get into the ring and fight just for the excitement and habit of it.)
There has been humor and conflict in Emily’s and my relationship. Unintegrated anger and aggression turned into attacks by me towards Emily. I challenged her mercilessly wanting to know if she could handle this recurring problem in my life. I called her out and found her fear of my aggressiveness unprofessional and unhelpful and told her so.
Emily takes her relationships with her clients sincerely and is trustworthy. As we together worked through this necessary struggle, we eventually got on solid ground. As a result, I have great admiration and confidence in Emily’s humility and willingness to grow herself while she steadfastly held me and my needs as our primary focus. Emily is a stellar individual and a remarkably reliable comrade. I unequivocally can recommend her to anyone who is serious about growing and uncovering their own foibles. She goes the distance.
KC, Vashon, Washington