About High Sensitivity
The basics
Are you built sensitive? This video can help you answer that question. You’ll discover four specific ways the sensitive trait affects your daily life, and you’ll learn why anxiety is an issue for many sensitive people, and what you can do about it.
Needing basic information about the trait of high sensitivity? This short article also includes a link to Dr. Elaine Aron’s website where you can take the HSP self-test. Dr. Aron was the first to identify and write about the HSP trait. With gratitude to Dr. Aron, all my writing and teaching about the trait is based on her books and research and the research that has grown from her original contributions.
More about key aspects of the sensitive trait
Scroll down to find a selection of my best articles offering specific information and strategies to manage your sensitivity with more self-compassion, skill, and understanding.
Or click here to dive directly into videos offering practical first aid for common HSP challenges.
Videos: First aid for sensitive challenges
When an interaction rattles you:
2 words to transform your mood
When you feel restless or “blah”:
“How cautious is too cautious?”
More self-care resources
If you need more self-empathy (or empathy)—use this list of feelings and needs (from Nonviolent Communication©) to become more aware of the met or unmet needs that cause your feelings:
If you have signs of trauma—study this graphic illustration of patterns of trauma to help you learn to recognize the signs hypo-arousal and hyper-arousal:
Needing more support with specific issues?
Read more about 1:1 sessions with Emily
Get your FREE guide
to sensitive anxiety
(plus bi-weekly Sustainably Sensitive e-zine)
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