How to treat yourself
like you matter
Do you treat yourself like your own best friend? If your answer is “no”, you aren’t alone.
Many sensitive people struggle to value their needs equally with the needs of others. If you are afraid that truly caring for yourself will create unbearable conflict with other people, or if you feel you shouldn’t need that kind of care in the first place, please read more below. Your health and well-being depend on your willingness to treat yourself like you matter.
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The power of "elegance" in HSP life
The power of elegance as an organizing concept will support you to create a sustainable life as a highly sensitive person. Math has never been my strong suit. I feel lucky that I remember enough of it to balance my...
3 reasons to stop labeling yourself "too sensitive"
If you’ve been labeling yourself “too sensitive,” now is the time to give yourself a break. Until you do, others won’t. I’ve never met anyone who enjoys being called “too sensitive." For a woman in our culture, the label suggests...
Why sensitivity + speed= high stress...and 5 ways to put on the brakes
If you are highly sensitive, you know firsthand that sensitivity + speed= high stress. Don’t accept this as the status quo. Slow down. When I passed this sign near our house, I laughed out loud. I rarely speed behind the...
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Discover a whole new level of support
Have you tried short-term support or “do-it-yourself” programs, yet failed to find the relief you seek? Whether the ground has opened beneath your feet or you are being asked to fly to new heights, a sustained one-to-one program can give you the support you have been missing. The Inner Listening Intensive helps you strengthen your inner relationship so you can build the life you want on the solid ground of your spiritual intuition.
This photo, taken in the opulent Mysore Palace in India, captures the two key aspects of the Inner Listening Intensive: spaciousness and multiple layers of safety, created by:
- Your commitment to the program—a powerful form of loving action for yourself
- Your vision for yourself, which we explore in detail as we begin the program
- 24 weekly 1:1 sessions to provide sustained deep support
- Weekly reflective writing exchanges to create powerful continuity between sessions
- Special written materials to help you grasp new concepts and integrate the experiences you have in your sessions
Do you need to heal core shame and anxiety, develop a kinder relationship towards yourself and your sensitivity, or create a sustainable life in the midst of big changes? The Inner Listening Intensive allows you to relax into the process, knowing you have compassionate, comprehensive support.
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