Do you overdraw your energy account?

Do you overdraw your energy account?

When you overdraw your energy account, you feel crummy. Even so, it can be hard to accept the choices this forces you to make as a sensitive person. I’ll never forget the look the student health center doctor gave me when I showed up in her office one morning. I was a... Read more
The power of “elegance” in HSP life

The power of “elegance” in HSP life

The power of elegance as an organizing concept will support you to create a sustainable life as a highly sensitive person. Math has never been my strong suit. I feel lucky that I remember enough of it to balance my checkbook and calculate a percentage when needed.... Read more
The four environments that affect HSPs

The four environments that affect HSPs

The better you understand the four environments that affect HSPs, the more you empower yourself to create positive change in your life. First of all, Happy New Year! This comes with my heartfelt wishes for a wonderful 2024. Thank you for reading. You give me a reason... Read more
How to access  your unstoppability

How to access your unstoppability

How do you access your unstoppability? By consciously choosing your intent and strengthening your volition. I’m fascinated by stories describing feats of seemingly impossible strength, such as a mother lifting a car to save her child from being crushed. There’s even a... Read more