Feeling self-doubt? Try this antidote.
When you find yourself feeling self-doubt—a widespread challenge for HSPs—identifying and honoring your needs is a powerful way to restore your equanimity. This is the glory time of year for our dahlias. The plants respond to the cooler nights with a riot of blooms,... Read more
I love lists… but lists can be dangerous
I’m a big fan of lists, but lists can be dangerous for HSPs. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls of a bad list. I love lists. I’m like Toad in Arnold Lobel’s children’s books about the adventures of Frog and Toad: One morning Toad sat in bed. “I have many... Read more
How to recognize your “catastrophies-in-waiting”
Once you get to know your personal “catastrophes-in-waiting” they will wield less power over you. Some of my inner parts are easy to spot. If I break something, for example, my inner critic will cheerfully yell, “You idiot!” Most of us also have parts that are much... Read more
The spiral nature of change
Once you understand the spiral nature of change, you can recognize and respond skillfully to each stage. “Why can’t I just let go of my old painful patterns?” I often hear some version of this question from my highly sensitive clients. I’ve asked it of myself, as... Read more