“I don’t like to label myself sensitive!”

“I don’t like to label myself sensitive!”

If you find yourself saying, “I don’t like to label myself sensitive,” read on. The HSP label can be useful, IF you use it the right way. A man named Alex once contacted me to ask about Focusing. When I responded, I included information about high sensitivity (HSP),... Read more
The high cost of not accepting your sensitivity

The high cost of not accepting your sensitivity

Not accepting your sensitivity can feel “normal” if you grew up being criticized for being “too sensitive.” But HSPs pay a heavy price for trying to be “normal.” As a kid, I felt like the Ugly Duckling: chronically awkward and self-conscious. If you had asked me why,... Read more
How to melt your shame by being with it

How to melt your shame by being with it

Even if you’ve learned to be painfully hard on yourself, you can melt your shame with awareness and presence. If you’ve ever told yourself you were “too sensitive,” you know how painful that is. To reject a trait you were born with is to reject your very being.... Read more