3 things every HSP should know about subtle trauma
If you are highly sensitive, you’ll benefit from an understanding of subtle trauma. Once you recognize the signs, you can seek support if you need it. I found myself thinking about trauma responses last week after my partner caught a possum in our Havahart trap. The... Read more
Why am I so hyperaware of my body?
When I was younger, I thought being hyperaware of my body was just an unpleasant part of being alive. Thank goodness I was wrong. I first experienced being hyperaware of my body during my junior year of college. That was a notable year. For the first time ever, I had... Read more
What does trauma feel like from the inside?
What does trauma feel like from the inside? Polyvagal Theory can help you understand the physiology of trauma reactions, and to recognize the internal experience that goes with it. I lose all self-control when I see a weed. Like an ordinarily obedient dog who bolts... Read more
6 steps to support self-regulation and spiritual connection
Is there a connection between emotional self-regulation and spiritual connection? Yes. The better you can regulate your nervous system, the more easily you can hear your spiritual intuition. If you’ve read Elaine Aron’s books about highly sensitive people (HSPs), you... Read more