Why your HSP creativity is a double-edged sword

Why your HSP creativity is a double-edged sword

Learning how to manage your HSP creativity is a lifetime project, because your life itself is an ongoing act of creation. If you are a new reader of this newsletter, this might be the first time you’ve heard me wax poetic about dahlias. It won’t be the last, though. I... Read more
I act like a space cadet sometimes. Here’s why.

I act like a space cadet sometimes. Here’s why.

My nearest and dearest would be the first to tell you I act like a space cadet sometimes. I can’t blame it all on my HSP trait, but certain aspects of high sensitivity definitely contribute. I’ve pulled off an impressive range of space-outs in my day. Some were... Read more
How do you handle setbacks?

How do you handle setbacks?

How do you handle setbacks? This question deserves a close look, because we can create needless suffering for ourselves if we are unwittingly carrying beliefs about what setbacks mean about us. Spring in Rochester can break your heart. The cherry and magnolia trees... Read more
Why mess equals stress for sensitive people

Why mess equals stress for sensitive people

For many sensitive people, mess equals stress. We can’t change our temperament, and we can’t avoid making messes. What’s a person to do?   My friend, who is also a highly sensitive person (HSP), called to say the chaos in her apartment was driving... Read more