How shaky boundaries turn your sweet self into a cranky ogre
Shaky boundaries are a serious issue for HSPs. You have to learn to value your needs and stick up for them, or your inner snow monster will do it for you. I spotted this spectacular snow monster in a neighborhood near ours. It looks like I feel when I don’t set good... Read more
3 reasons to stop labeling yourself “too sensitive”
If you’ve been labeling yourself “too sensitive,” now is the time to give yourself a break. Until you do, others won’t. I’ve never met anyone who enjoys being called “too sensitive.” For a woman in our culture, the label suggests you are touchy, overemotional,... Read more
Why sensitivity + speed= high stress…and 5 ways to put on the brakes
If you are highly sensitive, you know firsthand that sensitivity + speed= high stress. Don’t accept this as the status quo. Slow down. When I passed this sign near our house, I laughed out loud. I rarely speed behind the wheel. But put me in front of a computer and... Read more